
I’m back from my disappearing act. The past year has been very disruptive, no doubt, but it has also allowed me to focus on aspects of my life that surely would have gone by the wayside had the brakes not been slammed on so hard. I’m currently living in Barcelona, Spain, with both of my adult children (my poor wife is stuck working in Texas for the time being). Both of my kids are enrolled in different universities here. It has been a monumental task to get us all here, pick schools, navigate the Spanish/Catalan education system, etc. We are all here on student visas….one of the only ways Americans can get into the EU at the moment because of all the travel restrictions.

As rough as this past year has been, I have no complaints. I have an apartment with a terrace that overlooks the Rambla (without tourists) and eat fresh bacalao and grilled sardines regularly. I sit in terraces and sip 3€ glasses of vino tinto and thank my lucky stars on a daily basis.

On the art front, it’s been pretty quiet. I’m slowly getting back into the studio, wrapping up a couple of commissions, but the pace has been glacial. I hope to start creating new work within the next couple of weeks. I’ll post photos as soon as I have them.

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