Two European blogs feature my work

Two European blogs, one in the U.K and another in Spain, featured my work a little while back, and I’m just now finding out about it.  Art Nau, based in Barcelona, is an ultra-hip, curated design site which has a blend of interesting finds ranging from fine art to industrial design.  MondeMosaic  is based in the U.K. and focuses more on fine art, with a new artist featured daily.  It’s always nice to find out that my work is reaching such distant shores…..

On another (but related) note, Index Books, a publisher out of Barcelona, is including my work in an upcoming book called Mixology.  The book will focus on artists who create hybrid creatures and is due to be published this month- I’ll show a pic of it when it comes out.  Index came across my work by way of Art Nau- both of which are great examples of the reach of the web…..and of free advertising for my work!

Below are screenshots of both blog features and the page in the Mixology book (bottom).


artnauscreenshotartnauscreenshot2mondemosaicscreenshot mixologyscreenshot

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